
Aromatherapy Soaps

Aromatherapy is the science of using natural plantbook'>essential oils to promote health and wellbeing. Aromatherapy can be used for mood enhancement, pain management, stress reduction, and as a method of alternative medical treatment, In addition to the topical benefits of essential oils on the skin, the different aromas influence the health of the limbic and olfactory systems in different ways, promoting good physical and mental health. Although aromatherapy is rooted in ancient science, it doesn't take science to recognize the benefits of pleasant odors wafting through your room during a luxurious bath,

Essential Oils

Showering with Healing Effects of an Aromatherapy Bath With the infusion of essential oils, soaps not only clean, but promote good health. Here are some of the potential indications for the divine scents. * Aphrodisiac ylang * Antisoap'>Basil, Lemon * Antisoap'>Yarrow * Antisoap'>Lime, Rosemary, Tea Tree * Headache Relief - Basil, Lavender, Peppermint * Relaxation/ Insomnia - Lavender, Lemon * Sinus and Cold Symptom Relief - Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Yarrow

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