
Bird Cages

Your bird cage choice should be entirely dictated by the type of bird you have. You can choose a bird based on how much space it takes, but once you've decided on a certain breed, get a cage with it in mind. Let's cover what you'll need to consider, in order of importance. Are you shopping for a Chicken?

First Up? Size and Shape of Cage

* Follow About's breedbreed guide to how big you cage should be for your bird. ** Remember that these are only minimum requirements. Your bird would love as large a cage as you can provide. * Keep in mind your breed's height, width, and wingspan. It should be more than able to stretch out its wings fully and stand tall. ** This means to remember your cockatiels with long tails, high headfeathers, and long beaks, too. * Bars should be spaced so that your bird can climb and poke around, but not fly out of the cage. ** If you're keeping different sized birds in the same the cage, the spacing should be appropriate for the smallest birds, of course. ** Make sure the bars won't let your bird's head get stuck betwixt them. Ditto for any other limbs. ** Fancy bar-work could catch limbs as well. * Small birds such as canaries and finches like to fly sideside the most, so their cages should be wider rather than taller. * Some birds, like budgies, like to move every which way. They need tall and wide cages. * Tall birds such as parrots, need to be able to climb vertically, but also need their wingspan room. ** These climbers need horizontally-oriented bars. * Birds generally like angular cages more than cylindrical ones. * Long cages (around 5') for small birds (like canaries and finches) are often called flight cages. Your small birds would love them. * Very tall cages, suited for larger birds of a slew of small ones, are often called aviaries. They allow for much more flight and freedom and can even be outdoors!


* When thinking about the aesthetic of your cage, remember how beautiful your bird is. Do you want it to pale in comparison to its cage? * High fences make good breeders. Want to have two birds sidecage'>double cage.

Keep in Mind

* Look at for sharp edges for the safety of all your household. * Doors, gates, and latches should be birdescape attempt. * Make sure the cage is lead and zinctoxic. * Do you have any family members who shouldn't be trusted with a bird? Children? Keep the cage out of reach and train the troublemakers the best you can. * This cage is going to be a prominent part of its room's decor. Design accordingly. * Birds create a bit of mess. Make sure your setup is easy to clean. ** A