
Jewish Ritual Items

Jewish ritual items generally revolve around Jewish holidays, although the more observant may utilize these goods every week and sometimes every day. Some of the most celebrated days in Judiasm include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Passover, all of which involve dozens of rituals. Rosh Hashanah, a high holy day, is a day celebrating the new year (according to the Jewish calendar) with the holiday signifying a day of judgment by God. Members of the Jewish faith often pray during this day and attend service at a Synagogue.  Yom Kippuris Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights.  Aside from these four holidays, there are many others that encourage prayer, family time, and a celebration of the tradition. (For a complete list see

As Gifts

At some point, you may need or want to give a traditional "Jewish" gift, but do be careful; if you're unsure the extent of their religious tradition, it's better to be on the safe side of caution and present a nice Star of David bracelets. However, if you do decide to go with a ritual item, check out some of our suggestions below.

Top Five Ritual Items

* Candlesticks * Yarmulke * Mezuzah * Tzedakah Box * Kiddush Cup

Sabbath Ritual Items

Fire, wine, and bread. What could be better?

Home Ritual Items

Ritual Clothing

Other Ritual Items

Holiday Ritual Items

'''Rosh Hashanah (the New Year)''' '''Sukkot''' '''Hanukkah''' '''Purim''' '''Passover'''


* Prayer Books: Come in all different varieties, often dictated by the denomination in which they come from. Here are a few examples, but these are by no means the only prayer books available. A more extensive list can be found on Wikipedia. ** The Reconstructionist prayer book Mishkan Tfilah has new poetry and translations. ** The Conservative prayer book Bible have the same degree of variety. ** You can get copies of the Torah in any languages you want, with as much commentary as you'd like. ** The entire Old Testament can come in a set as well. * A serious scholar also studies the Rabbinic commentaries, knows as the Talmud. ** This is a giant set of books; do not attempt to buy them all at once unless you're ready to really dive in. ** Don't worry. Wikipedia has a good article to catch you up on this.

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