
Shoelaces Buying Guide

Shoe strings and printed ones can be worn on casual shoes.

Shoelace Material

* '''elasticised form. * '''Modern Shoelaces: '''Modern shoelaces have a blend of natural material used in traditional shoelaces along with synthetic fibres. This makes these shoelaces more slippery and also shiny on appearance. * '''boat shoes. * '''Knotty Laces: '''These laces have a series of fat sections to prevent the laces from moving back and forth the eyelets. You can either tie the laces or leave the ends loose. * '''Twirl Laces: '''These laces do not demand you to knot them. It has an elastic helix to secure your shoes firmly.

Traditional Shoelaces Vs Modern Shoelaces

Natural fibres used for traditional shoelaces make them less slippery than modern shoelaces with synthetic fibres. Traditional shoelaces are easily prone to wear and tear due their less resistance to moisture. On the other hand, modern shoelaces are highly preferred owing to their durability and also the varied style they are available. 

Patterns of Shoelaces

Shoelaces either come with Braided shoelaces provide a perfect grip while tying your shoes.

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