
Waterskiing and Wakeboarding

Much like regular skiing and snowboarding, waterskiing an wakeboarding are two very different styles and require different equipment.


Deep Water Starts

One of the hardest things for a beginner wakeboarder or waterskiier is getting on top of the waterit requires a good deal of strength and balance.  Keep these steps in mind, and hopefully you will make it on top of the water in no time.

Wakeboard Start

# The boat driver should know to go slow and gradually pick up speed for a successful start. # Shorter ropes are easier to get up on. # When you are in the water, the board should be perpendicular to the boat.  You should have the toe sticking out of the water. # Have your arms extended on the handle, straddling your front knee. # You should stay in the squatting position until you are out of the water. # More of your weight should be on your front foot as the boat tows you out of the water. # You are free to stand up once you are completely stable on top of the water.

Waterski Start

# The rope handle should be in your hands, between your knees. # Your skis should be shoulder length apart, parallel, towards the boat. # At least 6-12 inches of ski should be above the water. # Keep your arms straight and stay in the seated position as the boat pulls you out of the water.

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