
Diaper Care

Whether you're a caregiver, parent or grandparent, changing diaper rash or skin irritations.  Best of all, diaper changes make for a happy and comfortable baby. 

Tips for Diapering Baby

First and foremost, make sure that you have a designated diaper area to change your baby, such as a fragrance free wipes are best, as these contain the least amount of chemicals. There are also many different types of diapers on the market, some are made of Playtex Diaper Genie, which are designed to lock in the smell of the diapers.

How to Handle Diaper Rash

If your baby has a diaper rash, don't worry, this is a normal part of being a baby.  Simply use a diaper cream, such as Desitin or Balmex, to help clear up the rash.  Diaper creams and ointments are made out of petroleum jelly, helping to soothe the rash and protect the skin.  If your baby is prone to diaper rashes, be sure to use a cream or ointment with every diaper change.  This will act as a barrier between the diaper and your baby's delicate skin.  Otherwise, use the cream at the onset of a rash.  During this time, also be sure to diaper more frequently and keep your baby's bottom extra dry.

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